The Dark of The Grey: Omnibus is an exciting adventure set in the not-so-distant future in the year 2035. The world hinges precariously on the government’s extra-terrestrial disclosure. The story emerges innocently enough but quickly plunges the reader into a terrifying journey as they follow our protagonist, Nathan Carlisle (Nate), through a tale of bizarre plot twists, dynamic character arcs, and startling revelations steeped in a paranormal undercurrent. The story is written in a journal-style format, complete with date, time, and location. Nate was a computer programmer living on a small island just north of Seattle. He enjoyed a quiet and uncomplicated existence away from all the big city’s chaos and trouble, just how he liked it. But something was terribly wrong. Nate suffered from sleep paralysis, but he would soon discover a much more sinister truth behind his ongoing problem. This revelation sets Nate on a one-way path across the U.S. in an effort to find his father and solve the mystery of who and what he is.
The Dark of The Grey: Omnibus by G.E. Perlin
Product details
- Publication date : July 15, 2020
- Language : English